Noah Webster’s Fighting Words
Illustrated by Mircea Catusanu
Published by Millbrook Press
ISBN: 9781467794107
About The Book
Noah Webster was a proud patriot who wanted to help the American colonies gain independence from Great Britain in every way. But he didn’t fire a gun. Instead, he fought with his pen.
One of the first best-selling authors in the new United States, Noah Webster wrote his American-English Dictionary and included truly American words—skunk, for example. He argued for easier ways to spell words instead of the British versions. He wrote and wrote, and argued and argued. All the while, Noah was forever correcting his own books and articles—perhaps even editing this delightfully illustrated biography!
★ "Two qualities of this picture book combine to make it engaging and amusing: Webster is introduced to readers right on the cover, where he establishes himself as editor of the content. Throughout, his “fictional ghost” adds playful editorial comments to what the author has related about his life and accomplishments. The second element that makes the title so delightful is the collaged illustrations, which incorporate archival images and excerpts from primary documents in a visually appealing, lighthearted way. Students of all ages (and adults!) will appreciate this brief, comical, fact-filled sketch of an American icon." - School Library Journal
★ "Maurer paints a picture of a man secure in his opinions [and] Catusanu creates lively, patchwork scenes…a boisterous account of a singular contributor to America’s linguistic legacy." - Publishers Weekly
"Maurer...has crafted a text that reflects Webster's feisty personality and provides enough history to establish sufficient context for Webster's work. Catusanu's mixed-media illustrations combine child-friendly depictions of Webster, Benjamin Franklin, and others with period drawings and excerpts...An attractive volume demonstrating that even words themselves have a story." - Kirkus Review
"The writing style elicits humor [and] the illustrations use collage and speech bubbles for an appealing, contemporary feel. A time line, sources, bibliography, and author’s notes reinforce the historical element of this Monty Pythonesque tale." - Booklist
"This book would make a great addition to libraries everywhere and of every type." - Chat With Vera Book Blog
"Humorously detailed mixed-media cartoonlike images enhance the lively text of this biography of Noah Webster." - International Literacy Association
Starred reviews, School Library Journal and Publishers Weekly
ILA Teachers’ Choices - 2018
Outstanding Achievement Award, Wisconsin Library Association/Children's Book Award Committee
Cooperative Children’s Book Center - CCBC Choices 2018
New York Public Library Best Books for Kids - 2017
Betsy Bird, Fuse #8 Blog, School Library Journal
• Best of 2017 Unique Biographies List
• Best of 2017 Favorite Nonfiction Picture Books List
• Best of 2017 American History
Scholastic Teacher's magazine "Brilliant Summer Books" recommendations for Grades K-2
National Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and Amazon.com Nonfiction Work-in-Progress Grant